Support Us
Towards the Next 50 Years
They Inspire Us With Their Voices – We Can Help Them Be Their Best Selves
Today, over 25% of teens will struggle with an anxiety disorder and/or depression and this percentage is only rising. Teens are feeling less connected to each other overall, less supported by the community, and less able to cope with responsibility and challenge.
The All-American Boys Chorus provides a consistent and time-tested program that directly addresses many sources of modern adolescent anxiety at a crucial time in their development.
Music can regulate emotions and alleviate loneliness or stress. A chorus, in particular, helps develop social bonding with peers. Our program is specifically designed to provide a consistent four to five years of positive peer relationships and gradual opportunities to lead as a mentor as well as an artist.
GOAL: $500,000 in new support over the next two years
An individual, corporation or private foundation can make a true difference in the lives of the boys we serve no matter how big or how small. Monthly tuition pays only 30% of our budget needs and we depend on the generous support of our community to help underwrite our basic program costs.
As the All-American Boys Chorus approaches its 50th anniversary, we are beginning to dream of how to grow and impact many more lives. To preserve what is best about our program, we need strong investment today
While our programs are time-tested, admired, and loved, our basic needs are great. Additional full-time staff and basic infrastructure is needed to help modernize and professionalize.
The basic needs currently are to build our capacity through increasing staff hours, building our marketing and web efforts, and providing financial assistance for 30 kids who cannot afford to go to our summer camp on their own. Camp costs about $650 per boy.

Sponsor Levels
Provides 30 scholarships for summer camp to underserved youth.
Provide scholarship funding for individuals who may not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in our yearly programs and/or tours. Approximately 20% of our choristers are in need of full scholarships or financial assistance.
Provide for video and digital recording projects, community engagement, and music instruction classes.
All of the above and more! Without you, we could not succeed.