Today we slept in, which we needed after the fantastic concert last night at the Butchart Gardens. Then it was off to Duncan, about an hour\’s drive north of Victoria.
After lunch we headed about 8 miles out of town to a raptor sanctuary. We arrived just in time for the flight demonstration.

There was of course the obligatory stop at the gift shop, and then back on the bus and back into town to the Cowichan Theatre to get ready for our concert.
And what a concert it was. The boys were absolutely splendid – nearly vocally perfect. Each staff member remarked that it was one of the finest AABC concerts they\’d ever heard.

The boys have certainly hit their \”tour stride\” vocally and artistically. It\’s something that happens on every tour — that moment when the staff knows that the touring chorus has \”clicked\” and is functioning at a peak.
Tomorrow we move out of the University and take the ferry back to the mainland to start our trip across British Columbia.