AABC 2014 Camp is here! This year marks our 39th summer camp and as always it\’s a fantastic 5 days of intense learning, great camaraderie . . . and fun! Each day is packed with classes, recreation, voice lessons, model building, rehearsals, pooltime and a movie! On arrival day the big excitement is moving into the dorms.

This year boys, staff and counselors are housed in two dorms: Appleby and Jones. Once everyone is moved in and settled it\’s time for that all-important dorm meeting, where the boys receive various instructions and important rules but where we also start the strategic planning for the exciting dorm competition. Boys earn points for their dorm in a variety of ways that encourage and foster focus, leadership, camaraderie and commitment. Then it\’s time for dinner! And right off the bat, each dorm starts to practice for one of the competitive exercises – the \”quietest and straightest line.\”

After dinner the boys take a tour of the campus, led by Wesley Martin, and are shown the various locations for voice lessons, music reading classes, chimes and handbells, with a final stop at the model-building venue. The Part Leaders line up for a coin toss to determine which Part goes first in selecting their models. This year . . . it\’s the Baritones who lead off!

The final activity before heading to the dorms for a good night\’s rest is some playtime up at the gym. A chance to work off some of those calories from the great dinner and expend that pent up energy!
Good night! Next update will be Friday — the first \”official\” day of AABC Camp 2014!