Day 5 of Camp dawned bright, clear and warm! Today is the busiest day of camp. The day began with our 2nd (and final) dorm \”quietest and straightest\” line contest.

The morning follows the regular schedule, but everyone knows that the points earned today could make the difference in winning the overall Dorm Competition.
The Grand Rehearsal is again a superlative effort.
Right after lunch we have the Music Reading Awards Ceremony. We\’re very proud of our music reading program at the AABC, and at camp it\’s magnified because the boys get so much done in the five days.

After the awards ceremony, the boys practiced the chorallography for the Sousa March medley and then the 2014 summer touring chorus had a special rehearsal with Wesley. They\’re sounding really good and they are definitely ready and eager to head out for the Canadian Rockies and the USA Pacific Northwest on July 17th.
After some last minute practicing and scrambling each dorm presented their banner and camp theme to the 3 judges via a skit or speech (or both).

The skits for each presentation were great and the judges had a tough choice.
After a perfect-for-boys dinner of pizza and barbecued chicken everyone headed to the Student Center (a.k.a. the rehearsal hall) for the awards ceremonies for the models, for the Campers of the Week and the much anticipated announcement of the winner of the Overall Dorm Competition.

Drum roll please! 2014 AABC Summer Music Camp Camper of the Week awards:

And a huge Thank You to our superb slate of counselors!

A great job from all of the choristers and counselors at camp made it a wonderful musical, educational, artistic and leadership training success!
Oh yes, the Dorm Competition. The morning\’s 2nd line contest was won by Jones. The banner theme and presentation was won by Appleby.
The overall Dorm Competition Winner . . . JONES!
A hard fought, exciting and intense competition. Congratulations to the Jones Dorm. Appleby is already planning for next year.
AABC 2014 summer camp drew to an official close as the AABC bus drove off to bring the boys home, with the exception of our Part Leaders and Counselors who will remain an additional night to clean up and pack up and \”leave the camp venue better than we found it.\”
See you July 12th for the AABC Summer Concert at SOKA Performing Arts Center.
Check this site for the AABC\’s 2014 Summer Tour blog.
And . . . see you next year for AABC Camp 2015!