We\’ve had two really good travel days– taking us from Woodland, California up to Springfield, Oregon, and, today, bringing us to Raymond. The first day we stopped for lunch in Mount Shasta City and had dinner in Springfield before \”landing\” at Springfield High School for our first \”gym stay\” of the tour.

At the high school the boys\’ pent up energy was released on the adjacent soccer field.
After the recreation, everyone enjoyed some milk and cookies and then it was bedtime.
This morning\’s breakfast was \”al fresco\” at the school.

The boys are organized into work teams and the teams are assigned to various tasks, such as prepping for breakfast, cleaning up the breakfast area, policing the gym, sweeping the bus . . . and loading the bus.

All aboard and we\’re off to Raymond, Washington, which means crossing the Columbia River. We explain to the boys that this is the same river that has its origins at the Columbia Icefield, which we\’ll be visiting later in the tour.
Portland is where we cross the Columbia River, and it\’s a city of bridges.

Lunch was in Chehalis, which is where we turned off Interstate 5 to head west towards Raymond, our final destination today.
A beautiful drive through forests brings us into the Raymond/South Bend area and at the school we\’re met by our two great friends, Virginia Carlson and Cecilia Seaman.
Soon after settling in, Wes calls for a \”Marches chorallagraphy\” rehearsal. Our first concert of the tour is tomorrow and we want the Marches to be perfect!

Play time on a beautiful green field bordered by towering trees.
Dinner at Chen\’s Restaurant was a big hit!

Back to the school for a bit of work on costumes and an early bedtime — in preparation for our first concert of the tour tomorrow at the Raymond Theatre.
Ryan is enjoying seeing the pictures of some of the places he has visited when he went on his tour. I like the bridges pictures, and of course – any picture of Kaden. We miss him!