News, Stories & Milestones

2014 Summer Tour! Concert in Raymond, WA.
July 23, 2014
This morning we awoke and almost immediately began thinking of this afternoon\’s concert in the historic Raymond Theatre. After getting ready, we made sure each boy had his concert uniform

2014 Summer Tour! We\’re in Washington.
July 20, 2014
We\’ve had two really good travel days– taking us from Woodland, California up to Springfield, Oregon, and, today, bringing us to Raymond. The first day we stopped for lunch in

2014 Summer Tour!
July 18, 2014
Well we\’re off and running on our 2014 summer tour of the USA Pacific Northwest and Canada. After months of organizational work, rehearsing (and rehearsing), uniform fittings, emails, letters, and
2014 Summer Camp! Arrival Day
June 24, 2014
AABC 2014 Camp is here! This year marks our 39th summer camp and as always it\’s a fantastic 5 days of intense learning, great camaraderie . . . and fun!